Wine Therapy

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May 2012 Archive

Northwood event 2

A Lovely Summer's Evening

A big 'thank you' to everyone who attended our Northwood House charity wine tasting event last Thursday - we managed to raise £500 for the Trust! The evening was a real treat and thank you to the Trust for allowing us to have the most lovely room and use of the lawn. Along with the beautiful weather [and band!] we couldn't have hoped for a better evening.

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Northwood House

'A Taste of Summer' at Northwood House

We have a few remaining tickets for this Charity event to be held at Northwood House here in Cowes on the evening of the 24th May. All proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to the Trust to help fund the transportation and installation of a new piece of play equipment for the children's play area in the Park.

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Burgundy May 2012 054

Adventures in Burgundy.....

Earlier this week, I had the enormous pleasure of accompanying a group of friends on a wine tour of Burgundy. Our guide and wine expert, Brendan Moore, has lived in France for over 30 years and managed to open more cellar doors than we thought imaginable!

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Northwood House

'A Taste of Summer' at Northwood House

Our next tasting event is to be held at Northwood House here in Cowes on the evening of the 24th May. All proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to the Trust to help fund the transportation and installation of a new piece of play equipment for the children's play area in the Park.

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